Shopify Merchants Garde need coding skills to change the topic. However, some businesses require more, such as a brand new topic, web or applications.
The Shopify platform has sophisticated and powerful tools that help development topics and applications. Shopify uses a well-known technological magazine and monitors development conventions, so creating a development environment is easy for a professional and for businessmen do-it-yourself.
Do you need it?
Before digging, ask yourself and your companies if you need to set up an environment for the development of theme or application.
According to published estimates, Shopify is the most popular platform of electronic trading in North America, with something like 30% of us and Canadian sites. Millions of stores run on it.
Much of its popularity is related to easy use. It is therefore a small surprise that shopify topics are highly customizable directly on the platform. People without coding skills can achieve a lot.
Shopify traders can adapt a topic without code.
Customizing the topic of Shopify is not limited to adding or removing blocks “without code”, eith. Web developer familiar with HTML, CSS or liquid templaing language can control most of the layout.

The motif editor allows its own liquid marks, HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
Snap, Shopify App Store can be ready for added solution
However, if your store still needs more customization, here is how to start.
Shopify nine around
Development at Shopify begins with the command line interface (CLI), with three to choose from:
This example is focused on duties for topics.
Step 1: Create a partner’s shopife account
The least technical step provides free access to Shopify development store. This store will be my test group for my own topic.

The development of the development of the motifs needed for development is available through the Partners Shopify program.
Step 2: Install Shopify by clicking
At the time of writing, the CLI Shopify had several requirements for topics.
- Node.js version 18.20+, 20.10, gold higher.
- Package Manager Node.js.
- Git version 2.28.0 higher or.
In this example, LLL shares two package managers, NPM and yarn to add cli. Use the one you prefer. Open the computer terminal, make sure that the package manager is installed and run the appropriate command.
Here is a command using NPM.
npm install -g @shopify/cli@latest
And here is the yarn package manager.
yarn global add @shopify/cli@latest
Start the command and verify the world of installation.
shopify version

With the CLI SHOPIFY installed, the program information shows.
Step 3: Create or Clone with topic

The topics of Shopify can be built from scratch or based on the topic of the Dawn clone.
With the start of Shopify CLI, the developer could create a complete own topic from the ground up, to the SHOPIFY directory structure and encoding all required files.
pec-example-theme/ ├── assets/ ├── config/ ├── layout/ ├── locales/ ├── sections/ ├── snippets/ ├── templates/ └── theme.liquid
The second and recommended option is to clone the topic of Dawn and provide the foundation on which to build, through:
shopify theme init pec-example-theme
Replace the “furnace-for example” with the title of your topic. Within seconds, Shopify will load a cloned topic on your computer.

Topic Init The command creates a clone of the Dawn in a particular directory.
Step 4: Run a local server
Furthermore, connect the topic on a computer with Shopify Dev shop from Step 1.
In the command line terminal using the CD command, switch to the topic directory:
cd pec-example-theme
Return to the Dashboard of the Shopify Partner. Then open the development store and get its URL. Use this URL in the terminal command and replace “”.
shopify theme dev --store
This command creates a workflow process and the local web server inatia. Shopify Will:
- Provide the use of code verification.
- Ask you to touch any key to open the browser.
- You signed up to Shopify.
- Use two -factor verification.
- You confirm the verification code.
At this point, the local server is running and you can open it on your computer. View changes to the topic on the computer in the Shopify development environment.
You can also adapt the topic in the store interface.
You want to stop the server, close the terminal.
Step 5: Press the topic
When you make changes, “push” the topic and changes into your development environment or directly to the Dev Shop at Shopify.
Run this command in the terminal and send a topic to a live store:
shopify theme push --live
You want to update the local development environment, start the following:
shopify theme push --development
Setting the development environment of Shopify motifs is not difficult. But after completion you have to develop a topic.