New data from the US Department of Trade (PDF) show that the growth of retail electronic trading continuously triggers bricks and mortar. In the fourth quarter of 2024, the total US domestic retail sales reached $ 1.88 trillion, a modest increase of 1.8% compared to the quarter. Online shopping has shown strong growth, sales to $ 308.9 billion, which is 2.7% increase compared to the previous quarter.
According to the document, the sale of electronic trading for “goods and services where the buyer plans the order (or the price and conditions of dirty negotiations) via the Internet, mobile devices, extranet, network for replacement of electronic data, e -mail or other comparable online system. Payment may or may not be made online. ”
Ecommrece represents 16.4% of the total retail sales in the US in the 4th quarter of 2024, which is slightly from 16.3% in the previous quarter.
DOC presents US retail sales of electronic trading in the 4th quarter of 2024 increased by 9.4% compared to the Q4 2023, while the total quarterly retail sales recorded an annual increase of 3.8% in the same period.