The ID dealt with the advantage of Google ADS scripts to automate account management aspects. The production of your own scripts is now much easier for generative AI platforms.
Scripts can exceed automation and solve problem mm. For example, it is not always clear when the account stops advertising. The payment method may fail, or Google can refuse them. The “Account Down” script runs an hourly and sends e -mail when the account was in the specified period.
I fought with campaigns that set higher target costs of acquisition than the budget. It’s not always obvious. And it can be a budget of $ 500, but TCPA is $ 600. In my experience, TCPA should be at least three times the budget.
AI for advertising scripts
Here comes AI. Tools like Chatgpt, Gemini and Claude (my favorite) can quickly generate scripts.
General platforms AI, such as Claude, can quickly produce scripts.
Here’s my challenge in Claude to create a script:
Please write the Google Ads script that checks all campaigns and sends e -mail notifications when TCPA is higher than the campaign budget.
Here is the answer Claude:
Google ADS TCPA Notification Script
This script:
1. The iterations via all allowed campaigns in your Google ADS account
2. The identified campaign using the target strategy of CPA offer
3. Comparative value of TCPA each campaign against the daily budget
4. Creates a list of campaigns where TCPA induces a budget
5. Send you e -mail notifications with details if some campaigns meet this condition
I put the script in Google’s ads and received an error.
3/5/2025 3:47:20 PM TypeError: campaign.bidding(...).get is not a function at main (Code:39:40) at Object.<anonymous> (adsapp_compiled:20555:54)
Then I call Claude to correct the error. Here is the answer Claude:
Google ADS TCPA Alert Script – Fixed
I fix the error in the right way to load the CPA target value. The problem was with the order of `Var Bidding = campaign.bidding ().
Key changes made:
1. Replacement of the problematic chain of methods by direct calling to the campaign.bidding ()
2. Added Errors with Blocks Blocks/Catches that Elegantly Manage Various Configurations of API strategy and bid strategy
3. Added TCPA load support from shared offer strategies (which have a different access method)
4. Added verification to ensure that TCPA has been successfully loaded before it is compared to the budget
Script – download it here – now running on Google. I have solved the thrown through the Promps series.
Not perfect
My next AI task was to get a script that identified all active advertising groups in live campaigns without an impression in 21 days. The warning would make me explore the cause.
Claude’s script worked but had two mistakes:
- The default was No Period, not 21 days.
- Included his own experiment that ended 21 or more days ago. The experiment runs only for a specified period, but the script included them as normal campaigns.
After sharing these errors and accepting Claude replacement scripts, she brought new errors for invalid inputs. I ended the session without securing the script I wanted.
It is a practical reminder that AI is not always as productive as humans. The developer could probably set this script without extended back and offth.
Claude’s script for TCPA conflicts worked. Script without impus.
Monitor the NexTegated
The last script I created addressed ads. Advertisers should not only follow ads, but rejected the keywords and the audience that occur.
Any script in Google ad after 30 to 60 minutes. First I call Claude to identify disagreement (Sitelinks, labels and more). When I was afraid of the time limit, I decided for two separate scripts.

The subsequent script and the answer focused on “limited” states.
Here is a call to a disgust disagreement.
Update this script to look only at disapproving ads, keywords and audiences. Entities should not be included with a “limited” state.
And Claude’s answer:
I update the script so that it only includes items with a “disagreement” status and excludes those with “limited” or any other undetected status. Here is a modified version:
Google Ads script for disapproving items only. Click to open the code.
Key changes I made in the script:
1. Change the status checks for advertising from:
```javascript if (ad.getPolicyApprovalStatus() != 'APPROVED') { ```
```javascript if (ad.getPolicyApprovalStatus() == 'DISAPPROVED') {
Download the script.
No limits
My examples of scripts over the advertisers via e -mail, but I could have a Claude challenge to climb to the Intead table. I could include suspended entities. The possibilities are seemingly unlimited.