“Europe organizes most of the headquarters of the giants of electronic trade”

Of the 250 large electronic trading companies in the world, 95 are located in Europe. These are three more than in North and South America together and standards more than in Asia. On our continent, Germany hosts the most headquarters.

This is according to the new list of German ECDB, a well -known publisher statistics Emmerce. The numbers threw new light on the balance of power between different continents in terms of electronic trade.

Electronic trade headquarters in Europe

With 95 centrios out of 250 large electronic trading companies in the world, our continent has a major share of 38 percent. North and South America follows with 92 headquarters (37 pierces), while Asia lags behind 57 (23 pierists). Australia and oceania have six headquarters, while Africa has nothing.

38% of the headquarters are in Europe

Germany leads a way in Europe with 22 headquarters, included Otto, Zalando and take over the goal of you. France and the United Kingdom follow, each with 17 headquarters. Russia, which is also calculated as part of Europe, has eight. The Netherlands and Switzerland have five headquarters.

Concentration in China

At the ground level, the United States is an absolute leader with 80 of 250 headquarters – almost a third. China lags behind 17 headquarters, the same number as France and the United Kingdom. While the Chinese electronic trade market is huge, it is much more concentrated than in the US and Europe.

According to the ECDB, the company’s rent sets the basis for its success because available infrastructures and sources play a key role. “However, this view of electronic trade players reveals hot spots for the headquarters and at the same time decorates the actual size of electronic trading.”

The fear of ECDB shows that Europe is not represented in its top 10 large global societies Emmerce, headed by Amazon. Six companies out of the top 10 come from Asia, four of the United States. The Otto Group is the first European name on List in position 19.

Amazon leads the European market

Amazon illustrates the size of the nuance: USA based in the US is not only a market leader in its domestic Région, but also dominates large European electronic trade markets, regardless of how many other major electronic trading players are located.

Another important note: A recent Retailx study has found that of a thousand large online retailers in Europe, only 49 Piernt has their headquarters on the continent.

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